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Tuesday, October 27, 2020 evatutin#101

4 new combinatorial structures from DLS of order 9 was found in the projects Gerasim@Home and RakeSearch:

1. 12N25M6C - 012345678120567834476128503563812740358674021785403162231780456804256317647031285
2. 14N20M12C - 012345678123076845568134702874501326705863214481257063230618457657482130346720581
3. 24N72M24C - 012345678120483567574168230603874152348657021257016384481532706836720415765201843
4. 28N86M28C - 012345678123784065804236157637852401546073812785461320460127583251608734378510246

Traversed 40.24% of the search space, 51219 ODLS CFs of order 9 found at this moment.